Tax Planning

Often overlooked in the wealth management industry, we consider the tax implications of everything we do for you. Tax planning is a continual and proactive process that takes place throughout the year, not just in April. Bottom line, the less you pay in taxes – the more you keep to fund your goals.

Embrace IRS Code to reduce your tax bill

Year-Round Tax-Loss Harvesting

Built into the core of our portfolio management process, tax-loss harvesting is a valuable feature to taxable investors. Tax-loss harvesting can help minimize or even eliminate tax liabilities related to capital gains. Because capital losses can be carried forward, this process can be very effective in planning for future gains – such as the sale of concentrated company stock or the unwinding of a real estate portfolio.

Tax Coordination via Asset Location

Investments deliver their returns from varying sources – such as income, capital appreciation – and often a combination of them both. Since the IRS taxes investment return sources differently, it is vital that your investments are located in the proper accounts in order to maximize after-tax returns. Rooted in our investment process, our team strategically places your assets between tax-deferred, tax-free, and taxable accounts.

Strategically placed assets maximize after-tax returns

Minimize tax liabilities with coordinated distributions

Tax-Smart Withdrawal Strategies

When it comes time to enjoy your hard-earned money, our team will help you de-accumulate wisely. By coordinating your distributions from various account types, we help our clients minimize the tax liabilities associated with retirement withdrawals. For high-earning individuals between 59 ½ and 72, this may include periodic Roth conversions – setting the stage for lower taxes throughout one’s lifetime.

Form 1040 Insights

Share your personal tax return with our team and we will analyze your tax situation for key planning opportunities. From there, we provide a report that you can then take to your tax professional to dig deeper and continue the conversation.

Providing key tax planning opportunity analysis

Take advantage of relevant tax planning opportunities

Coordination with External Tax Professionals

With your permission, we will work with your existing tax professional to ensure you are taking advantage of relevant tax planning opportunities. If you do not have an existing relationship, we will kindly refer one to you. We never receive any compensation for professional referrals.


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Work with our team to get personalized guidance and investment management that supports your goals.